Monitor and optimize energy

Energy SUITE lets you monitor, track, and optimize your utilities usage, unlocking a deeper understanding of what and where resources are being consumed

Energy seen is energy managed.

The Energy SUITE centralizes data from IoT sensors and other buildings systems and visualizes it in a variety of customizable dashboards. The data platform lets you drill all the way down to an individual equipment up to your entire site or even a global property portfolio. Additional features like energy forecasting and HVAC optimization helps you stay on track and make adjustments to balance your energy consumption.


Akila Energy SUITE helps you monitor, track, and optimize your utilities usage, unlocking a deeper understanding of what and where resources are being consumed.

Baseline management

Analyze and visualize energy performance data against IPMVP-compliant baselines in real-time across systems and sites.

Energy and carbon reduction

Automate management of key systems such as HVAC, compressed air, and lighting to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

Optimization via simulation

Simulate the potential impacts of upgrades and modifications to optimize systems and assets.

Streamlined ESG reporting

Fulfill your ESG reporting needs quickly and easily with built-in BI reporting aligned with ESG certifications.

Product Features

Energy monitoring

Monitor and manage your building’s energy consumption in real-time with utility meters tracking key assets and locations in your building.

System optimization

Automated management of HVAC, air compressors, and lighting systems that responds to changing internal and external conditions in real time, reducing energy demand and improving occupant comfort.

Fault detection

Stay on top of system fault detection and management with customizable alarms and notifications for anomalies. Know right away if your systems are experience performance issues so you can take immediate action.

Energy simulation

Use digital twin simulation to evaluate system efficiency, identify and diagnose faults, simulate and optimize retrofit strategies, and perform predictive maintenance.