Where is Akila currently available?

Akila is a cloud-based platform that can be used wherever it is supported by Azure web services (with support for other providers coming soon). We have representatives globally and are growing by the day.

What languages does Akila support?

Akila is available in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese, with more languages in development.

How long does it take to set up Akila?

This depends on the size of the facility and needs of the clients. Most clients will be actively using Akila within two months, which includes installation of the relevant hardware and software configuration.

Where is my data stored?

Akila uses Microsoft Azure servers to store your data, in compliance with all local regulations on data protection and cybersecurity.

Do I need to use all Akila modules or can I pick the ones I want?

Once you have been set up on the Akila platform, you can choose to use (or not use) any module. The platform is designed for flexibility, so you can modify your package of modules and extensions with billing adjusted accordingly.

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