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Asset SUITE: empowering technical teams, extending asset lifespans


Akila is an all-in-one digital twin platform for optimizing the built environment. “All-in-one” means that Akila integrates every operational sector within buildings and facilities into a single software. Instead of having multiple different programs, such as BMS for building automation or CMMS for maintenance, it is all centralized.

Why? Because a building is like an ecosystem. Every part of a building is related. Assets impact energy use, people impact the assets, and in turn, the building impacts people’s comfort and health. Akila eliminates the silos between those elements through the digital twin.

To move beyond the data space and into action and processes, Akila offers five collections of apps on top of the digital twin called SUITES: Energy, Environment, Asset, Property, and ESG.

Within those five apps are tools for monitoring, managing, measuring, and reporting on the most critical operations in buildings. Asset SUITE is one of the most crucial. This is the Akila solution for asset lifecycle management.

Asset SUITE: overview

The Asset SUITE is the next generation of digitalized maintenance and asset management. At its core, it is a workhorse empowering managers and field technicians through monitoring, work order management, and analytics. However, the asset suite integrates some of the most groundbreaking technology on the market to deliver a comprehensive preventative maintenance solution.

Proper maintenance of critical assets and systems, such as electricity, HVAC, and compressed air, is essential for reaching any building or property manager’s KPIs of improved performance, more efficiency, and optimized costs. Let’s look at how the Asset SUITE delivers that.

Key product features


The maintenance module is the workflow management module, but it goes far beyond the functionality of many legacy systems on the market. Inside this module, managers can schedule, track, and analyze maintenance work orders. Technicians can access this module during on-site inspections and repairs with Asset SUITE mobile, where they can also document and report on maintenance activities to increase operational efficiency. Data is synchronized through cloud computing, connecting field teams and managers in real time.

Parts & inventory: 

This module is a simple but crucial tool for use by maintenance teams. Parts & Inventory is a digitalized management system that provides accessible stock information. It also can track stock levels and generate alerts when levels get below certain thresholds, so your site never runs out of crucial repair parts.


The monitoring feature in Akila goes beyond the typical visualization offered in legacy systems and provides an in-depth, comprehensive view of your assets and systems using real-time data.

Akila lets you monitor assets at the portfolio level or drill down into the nuts and bolts (literally) that keep your equipment functional. The digital twin serves the purpose of a digital ledger for keeping track of and analyzing the performance of your assets. Identify inefficiencies in systems and processes, enabling asset optimization to increase lifespan and efficiency, and reduce operating costs.

Third-party integration

Akila can work with and enhance the effectiveness of existing CMMS programs, streamlining and accelerating the asset management and maintenance process. Where legacy systems can be unintuitive, slow to adapt, and opaque, Akila can integrate with pre-existing data sources to enhance maintenance effectiveness by offering a more accessible, customizable, and transparent experience for both on-site operators and portfolio owners.


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Setting up the SUITE

Phase 1 – Akila creates an instance in the software for the single or multisite project, and then Akila engineers design the digital twins of your building and equipment. The digital twin is built by linking BIM models to IoT sensors that track data in real time, allowing the platform to visualize operations through various customizable charts and graphs. The 3D interface allows users to locate specific assets within the site structure, which adds context for property-level managers and can support technicians for daily or responsive maintenance routines.

Phase 2 – After the hardware is connected to the assets covered under the scope of the maintenance program any other existing third-party programs that clients use or wish to integrate will be linked with the Akila software. At this stage, working processes are standardized within the program, including user training for teams that will use Asset SUITE on desktop and mobile applications. Akila deployment and customer service teams work closely with clients for a speedy roll-out and avoidance of any potential operational interference.

Phase 3 – Once fully deployed and after use begins, the cycle of optimization and improvement truly starts. Baselines are either imported from other data sources, or they start being recorded with Akila and used as the reference point to optimize maintenance operations and asset performance. Automated features like system alerts and recommendations come into play, and all related working processes are measured in the Asset SUITE.

Value delivered

Akila’s Asset SUITE delivers short-term and long-term ROI for users from the boiler room to the board room.

Extended asset lifecycles

A well-maintained asset has a longer lifespan than one that is only repaired after issues arise. Akila allows teams to switch from corrective to preventative maintenance processes. The improved and streamlined maintenance workflow feature keeps your equipment in operation longer.

Less downtime

Optimizing workflows and leveraging real-time data reduces the risk of asset breakdowns. The Asset SUITE delivers more operational continuity and more efficiency, offering value for field teams and higher-level stakeholders.

Digitalized ledger

Asset SUITE solves some widespread administrative pain points by normalizing the naming and tagging across different sites to increase the effectiveness of tracking, training, and reporting. And it takes it a step further through 3D visualization and interactivity. Click into the virtual asset to see an equipment or system’s entire maintenance and inspection history, as well as other key real-time data metrics.

Compliance tracking

Legacy maintenance management systems are built for desktop-based use and lack functionality for on-site operators—which Akila provides with a mobile-focused solution. With Asset SUITE mobile, technicians can record repairs as they happen, providing transparency and ultimately ensuring more regulatory compliance.

Why your organization should consider the Asset SUITE

Akila’s Asset SUITE is just one part of the “all-in-one” platform for optimizing built environments. By integrating maintenance with the rest of the operational sectors (energy, property management, etc.) into a centralized software solution, it eliminates silos and streamlines asset and maintenance management.

With features like preventative maintenance workflows, inventory management, real-time asset monitoring, and mobile accessibility, Asset SUITE extends asset lifecycles, reduces downtime, simplifies administration, and enhances regulatory compliance. Akila’s seamless setup process and ongoing support ensure a smooth transition, delivering both short-term and long-term returns on investment. This innovative solution empowers organizations to unlock the full potential of their built environment, driving efficiency, sustainability, and operational excellence.

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