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Energy SUITE: dedicated tools for decarbonization

Energy SUITE graphic

While the digital twin is the core of the Akila platform, some of the most powerful features and functions come in collections of five different packages of software tools known as the Akila SUITES: Energy, Environment, Property, Asset, and ESG. Each SUITE is a collection of modules each with its own specialized purpose—which we will look at in closer detail.

Along with real-time data and digital twin technology, the SUITES are the third pillar of the Akila platform, supporting field operators, property owners, and sustainability managers to do their jobs (just to name a few!).

What is the Akila Energy SUITE?

The Energy SUITE is Akila’s most powerful solution for operational sustainability and decarbonization. As many stakeholders in buildings and real estate know, surfacing and monitoring energy data is a critical need due to increasing compliance and regulations, but also one of the biggest challenges in building operations. However, as you’ll see with real-time data and digital twin technology, collecting and visualizing energy data becomes much smoother and more transparent. It’s all done in the Energy SUITE.

Key product features

On top of providing access to new data visualization capabilities in the platform, the Energy SUITE includes three modules to boost energy efficiency: monitoring, optimization, and microgrid.

Digital twin energy monitoring

Monitoring: Track and trace energy consumption and carbon emissions (Scope 1 & 2) within building systems and processes.

Energy optimization and simulation dashboard

Optimization: Take direct control of your HVAC (heating, cooling, and ventilation) systems to optimize performance and reduce energy consumption in real time.

Energy management dashboard

Microgrid: Monitor and manage on-site renewable energy grids such as solar panels, wind power, and EV charging infrastructure.

Third-party integration: With third-party integrations, Akila brings in existing systems that may be in use at your site, such as EMS software, into the platform using API or SDK connections. One of Akila’s core values for users is its function as a single source of truth data platform that breaks down silos between systems. By integrating your EMS or other software tools related to energy, you can see your data, control your systems, and optimize performance all in the same place.


Get started with Akila


Setting up the Energy SUITE

Setting up the Energy SUITE happens in four steps, starting with the deployment of the Akila platform at your site. Because the Akila solution uses real-time data directly from the meters of your equipment, there is a setup phase for properties that have little to no “smart tech” installed at their site. For sites starting from scratch, deployment would look something like this (for single or multi-site clients):

Phase 1: Collecting and centralizing data

Technicians first look at the scope of the data needed and what devices, sensors, or integrations are needed to bring that into the Akila platform. We leverage in-house engineers and our external partners to deploy a solution that works best for each site. An instance is created for the single or multisite project, and data begins to populate the platform and Energy SUITE modules.

Phase 2: Creating the digital twin(s)

The data collected in step one is linked to a 3D BIM, either provided by the client or made by Akila engineers, to create the digital twin. Connecting the data to their sources in 3D space assists on a variety of levels, especially when it comes to maintenance management. But the true power of the digital twin lies in simulation abilities. Using simulation, we can predict system performance and identify opportunities for improvement.

Phase 3: Software rollout, training, and ongoing support

The final step is to set up the relevant users and teams to use Akila in their day-to-day tasks and responsibilities. This also includes setting up proper access and permissions based on roles or location. Once every user has access, Akila will assist your staff in learning how best to use our products and provide close support to ensure your success in reaching your energy goals.

Measuring energy and decarbonization successes

Akila’s Energy SUITE delivers an ROI primarily in two measurable ways: reduced utility costs, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Depending on the level of optimization and baseline data at a site, clients can see results in just a few months. We’ve already helped clients cut millions of dollars in energy spending and tens of thousands of tons of carbon emissions. Akila’s impact extends beyond the direct business needs of our clients to reach stakeholders across the value chain, including employees, customers, investors, and regulators.

Employees and customers are increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of where they work and purchase products. Together with the increasingly widespread adoption of ESG disclosure requirements by investors, carbon emissions are not looked at independently from business successes. More and more, sustainability is in alignment with profitability.

The demand for organizations to be transparent about carbon emissions is only growing larger. Transparent, trackable, and traceable data related to energy use and Scope 1, 2, and 3 is key when it comes to filling out reports required by investors and regulators. Akila streamlines this process by providing real-time and historical data tracking the metrics required by standards and frameworks such as CDP, SASB, GRI, RESET, and more.

Many organizations understand this and have come to Akila for a solution for improving energy use at their facilities. Our current energy clients include major international brands like IKEA, Astra Zeneca, Valeo, and more.

The Energy SUITE is a powerful and essential solution for operational sustainability and decarbonization in buildings and real estate. By leveraging real-time data and digital twin technology, it addresses the critical need for surfacing and monitoring energy data, and streamlines reporting and decision-making processes. The Energy SUITE stands as a powerful tool for organizations looking to achieve operational sustainability, cost-efficiency, and environmental responsibility.

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