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Solar Impulse Label: one year of developing sustainable and profit-driven solutions

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One year ago, Akila was awarded the Solar Impulse Foundation‘s “1000 Solutions to Change the World” label.  Since then, the world has seen its fair share of changes—including in the realm of climate action.

The past year in climate policy and regulation has been defined by prioritizing action over words. Governments and regulators are passing broader and stricter emissions reporting requirements. Businesses are making increasingly ambitious environmental commitments, and looking to hold suppliers or potential acquisition targets to the same level. Institutional investment firms like Blackrock and Vanguard have put ESG at the center of their investment strategies.

All of this is putting an increased strain on enterprises that lack systems or methods for measuring carbon footprints and leading to an increasing demand for new green technologies.

Although there is increasing interest in this technology, that does not mean every organization is rushing to totally transform their operation. Sometimes for good reason—upfront costs can be expensive. Furthermore, the incentives for these projects are sometimes difficult to judge according to traditional business drivers like savings or performance output.

However, there are two aspects to why this mindset is potentially flawed. First, the successful businesses of the future will also be the most sustainable. That is the goal behind ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance): to create a framework of self-regulation for listed companies and investors that prioritize sustainability in their due diligence. In markets like the EU, these frameworks are not only being used by investors but by governing bodies themselves, such as the European Parliament’s ESRS.

Second, green technologies are doing a good job of providing business value for companies beyond their ability to reduce carbon impact, such as by reducing energy costs and increasing productivity. This was the founding vision of the Solar Impulse Foundation and is a guiding principle for Akila as well. Which is why we were recognized with the Solar Impulse label one year ago.

Promoting profitable environmental solutions

The founder of the Solar Impulse Foundation, Bertrand Picard, believes that clean energy solutions and economic benefits are compatible. These green technologies also contribute to creating more job opportunities and achieving a positive ESG cycle for businesses. With this in mind, he established the Foundation, dedicated to accelerating the implementation of green and profitable solutions. Additionally, he introduced the Solar Impulse Efficient Solutions label, becoming one of the first globally recognized labels that combine environmental protection and financial vitality for businesses.

The Solar Impulse Efficient Solutions label is awarded by an independent group of experts based on five criteria covering feasibility, environmental impact, and profitability. This label recognizes efficient solutions that drive efficiency and performance while protecting the environment. Currently, over 1000 solutions have received this recognition, and Akila is fortunate to be one of them.

Creating win-win conditions for sustainability and business benefits

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Since our recognition with the label, Akila has continued to grow our product in the same spirit of aligning productivity and sustainability. By looking at feedback from customers, trends in policy and regulation, and through old-fashioned technology R&D, the Akila Platform has advanced immensely over the past year. Here is a rundown of some of the ways we are meeting the standards of the “1000 Solutions” label:

1. High quality, auditable data

Akila’s digital twin technology provides highly accurate real-time data with transparency, traceability, and trackability (3T data). This not only helps decision-makers work more efficiently but also offers clear and reliable information to stakeholders and regulators. Akila’s digital twin technology simplifies data collection, saving managers significant time in data gathering and organization.

2. AI-driven energy efficiency

Akila’s digital platform also integrates AI to control energy-intensive systems such as HVAC. After collecting baseline data from the digital twin and IOT, the AI acts to improve and reduce the overall energy consumption. This AI-driven energy optimization system of Akila helps companies reduce their carbon emission more efficiently, thereby also reducing their energy expenditures; once again achieving both sustainability and profitability.

3. Smarter process management

Akila’s digital twin technology empowers property and asset management by leveraging data from the digital twin connected to a mobile application for operational staff. For example, in case of a technical failure, through an alert system, Akila will automatically alert all operators that there is a new work order assigned to a technician. Once the solution is solved, it is directly reported on the same platform.

In other words, Akila is not solely focused on monitoring, it’s also a work order system, an ecosystem that connects all operators and all ESG goals. This enables smaller teams to work more intelligently and reduces the need for personnel within facility management, maintenance, energy, and soft services.

4. Turning waste into value

Akila’s Environment SUITE is in charge of managing waste digitally and intelligently. Not only does it monitor and analyze how waste is generated, where it is located, and where it goes but it also has the potential to turn waste into profit through resale. This Akila SUITE increases both the revenue for businesses and reduces waste accumulation, protecting the environment.

5. Streamlined ESG Reporting, Empowering Organizational Environmental Compliance

Akila’s digital twin technology automatically collects relevant data indicators used in ESG reports and integrates them into a smart business dashboard. This allows companies to save more time and produce better ESG reports that comply with the newest environmental standards.

Fostering a Sustainable Future: Akila’s Path Forward

Amid the escalating climate crisis, governments, regulators, and businesses are enacting stricter emissions regulations, making ambitious environmental commitments, and integrating ESG into investments. While there’s growing interest in sustainable solutions, not all organizations are quick to adopt them due to upfront costs and uncertain ROI. However, two key facts challenge this hesitancy.

First, the most successful future businesses will inherently be the most sustainable. ESG seeks to prioritize sustainability in due diligence.

Second, green technologies offer broader business benefits beyond carbon reduction, such as cost savings and enhanced productivity.

The Solar Impulse Foundation and its Efficient Solutions label, led by Bertrand Picard, epitomize this philosophy. Akila, a label recipient, aligns with these principles. Our digital twin technology provides real-time data and AI-optimized energy use leading to reducing emissions and streamlining digital management and waste processes. This simplifies ESG reporting.

In essence, sustainability and profitability are not opposing forces but complementary drivers of success. Akila’s journey showcases how businesses can thrive by embracing green technologies, aligning with Solar Impulse’s principles, and contributing to a more sustainable and prosperous future.

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